Students went through different rotations to explore the different worlds of engineering that could be in their future. One room learned all about chemical engineering (a good lead in to their field trip to a nuclear plant tomorrow), and one discussed urban engineering and how they would most effectively plan out a city. The other room broke down system engineering, diving deep into all the parts that makes a system work, and how they all affect each other and how they could be improved upon.

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Students went through different rotations to explore the different worlds of engineering that could be in their future. One room learned all about chemical engineering (a good lead in to their field trip to a nuclear plant tomorrow), and one discussed urban engineering and how they would most effectively plan out a city. The other room broke down system engineering, diving deep into all the parts that makes a system work, and how they all affect each other and how they could be improved upon. 

Students went through different rotations to explore the different worlds of engineering that could be in their future. One room learned all about chemical engineering (a good lead in to their field trip to a nuclear plant tomorrow), and one discussed urban engineering and how they would most effectively plan out a city. The other room broke down system engineering, diving deep into all the parts that makes a system work, and how they all affect each other and how they could be improved upon. 

Students went through different rotations to explore the different worlds of engineering that could be in their future. One room learned all about chemical engineering (a good lead in to their field trip to a nuclear plant tomorrow), and one discussed urban engineering and how they would most effectively plan out a city. The other room broke down system engineering, diving deep into all the parts that makes a system work, and how they all affect each other and how they could be improved upon. 

Students went through different rotations to explore the different worlds of engineering that could be in their future. One room learned all about chemical engineering (a good lead in to their field trip to a nuclear plant tomorrow), and one discussed urban engineering and how they would most effectively plan out a city. The other room broke down system engineering, diving deep into all the parts that makes a system work, and how they all affect each other and how they could be improved upon. 

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